Monday, February 22, 2016

8 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself (while you are taking care of everyone else.)

 Whether a busy working parent, or an equally as busy parent who stays at home,  it is very easy to forget ourselves on a daily basis. We dedicate our entire lives to running our family, keeping our children alive, paying bills, keeping a roof over our heads and all sorts of other fun parental responsibilities as imperfectly, perfectly  as we can.  While we do such a great job (or as good as we can do) of taking care of all of those around us, we tend to not take care of ourselves. We will very easily  work ourselves to the point of stress and exhaustion and completely neglect our own needs.
It is essential for us to be aware of our limits and take care of ourselves when we can, I know, this is way easier said than done, but the truth is your family depends on your own mental and physical balance to be intact so you do NEED to take care of you.

I called in my friend and Health Coach Brianna Hatcher to give us '8 ways to take Care of Yourself (While you are taking care of everyone else)' and I couldn't be more excited,  by trying her ideas you  are taking a great leap into a better and balanced life.

Every small step counts, even if you pick up just one or two of these pointers you will at least be doing something for you, and that is more important than anything.

These are great tips and I hope you can find this helps you on the way to a happier and balanced life, because even though you are parent, you are still allowed to have that!

8 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself
(while you are taking care of everyone else.)

Brianna Hatcher - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

1: Remember, you matter.

    Ok, so this isn't a “tip” as much as a reminder. In case you need someone to remind you, you matter. How you feel matters, what you think matters, how much you sleep matters, what you eat matters. Sweet person, YOU matter. Period.

2: Take 5

    Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier. Wait, I know what you're thinking, hear me out. Giving yourself 5 extra minutes in the morning to stretch, Pray, meditate, do yoga, whatever works for you. This really sets the tone for your day. It's waking up and taking charge of your day, instead of waking up and having the day happen to you. Doing the same at night before bed will also give you a nice slow down before putting your head on the pillow, if you don't fall asleep in the meantime

3: Pack Snacks

    How many times have you ended up digging at the bottom of your bag for a leftover snack from the kids? If you're anything like me, too many. Pack yourself a real, grown up snack. The nice kind of snack cheese, trail mix with dried cherries and dark chocolate, or whatever suits your fancy. You getting real food, that is intended for you, is not a treat but a necessity. Because it, you know, keeps you alive.

4: Drink Up! Water that is. (I'll leave the other beverage choices up to you) Drinking enough water is going to do so many things for you, it will increase your energy, improve your skin, help with digestion, cut back on cravings, along with countless other benefits. An easy way to know how much water you should aim for is by taking your weight in pounds, cut that in half, and that is how many ounces of water you can try to work into your day. Get yourself a pretty water bottle and go for it! I promise you won't have to pee every 5 minutes forever, that goes away.

5: Get Dressed

    I know this is a tough one. We are so busy making sure everyone else is up, dressed, brushed, fed, and out the door that we hardly ever get a chance to do what we need to do to get ready. But the simple act of getting dressed can completely change how someone feels. I'm not saying don't wear your yoga pants out, I'm saying wear them out IF you feel good in them. There is nothing that makes me feel better then to walk by a mirror and feel put together, on the flip side, if I walked past a mirror and feel like I look disheveled, it isn't going to help my emotional state at all. This isn't about what other people see, or what other people think when they see you, it is about how you feel about yourself when you happen to walk by a mirror in a store.

6: Get Yourself Something

    Think about your shopping list, is there anything on there that is just for you? Odds are there is something you purchase just because your husband or wife likes it, or just because your kids like it, but do you get something just because you like it? Make this a habit, when you are shopping make sure you pick something out that is just for you, I don't care if it is a bottle of wine (cough, my favorite, cough!) or a pack of gum. This is a form of self-care by acknowledging what you want, and then giving it to yourself. 

7: Ask For Help

   Listen to this part very carefully, asking for help does not make you less of a Super-Mom/Dad. We all have our limits and there is no shame in admitting when we reach them, better yet, ask for help before you reach your limit. Teach your kids how to do the laundry, tell your husband/wife they are in charge of dinner, ask a friend to watch the kids so you can take a shower in peace, do whatever you need to do so you don't get overwhelmed. We used to have a village around us to help with these things, now we have to make our own. Parenthood is hard, and isn't meant to be done alone.

8: Exercise

   For those of you still reading after you saw “exercise”, I'll go on. This really will make your life easier in the long run. You're going to have more energy, feel happier, feel better in your skin, sleep better, the list goes on and on and on. Even if you just spend 20minutes walking with the stroller, or go to the park and chase the kids around, the more movement the better. Not only is it amazing for you, but you are setting such a wonderful example for your family. The endorphins released during exercise are no joke, they really make a messy kitchen a lot easier to deal with.

BONUS: Homemade face mask recipe

Here is my very favorite way to pamper myself at home. This recipe is great for most skin types and will help smooth, brighten, and hydrate your skin. As always, please make sure you are not allergic to any of these ingredients before using.



¼  Teaspoon Turmeric

1   Heaping Tablespoon Honey

1   Heaping Tablespoon Plain Yogurt


Simply mix until smooth and apply to skin with an old, clean, makeup brush. You can use your fingers but fair warning it can be a little messy. Leave on skin 10-15 minutes and rinse with slightly warm to cool water. Pat dry and enjoy your smooth skin.

This may leave a slight yellow tint to your skin, so use at night or when you aren't leaving the house. You can use a very gentle cleanser following the mask if need be. If you really aren't wanting to rock turmeric tinted skin, feel free to leave it out completely, there are plenty of benefits from the honey and yogurt alone. Enjoy!

Brianna Hatcher, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Brianna is An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach she is a guide and mentor who empowers her clients and provides ongoing support and guidance as they set goals and make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness.

Saturday, February 13, 2016


My friends were all talking about Valentines ideas about a month ago and I was shocked how organized they were.

It got my creative juices flowing and I thought I would share my gifts for this year....I gathered all of my inspiration from Pinterest then added my own little twist to them!

Super simple and Cost efficient... Might spark your own creative minds or just give you some ideas!

1. Beer Bouquet

2. Sexy Sensory Boxes

                                                      To learn what's inside click here

3. Open When Letters

What on earth are "open when letters?" click here to find out!

So hopefully this will give you some last minute ideas!

4. A Little Black Book

A little Bonus Idea, that takes a bit more preparation & depending on how professional you want to go, is a little more expensive; is a gifting your S.0 with a "Little Black Book" A Book of Boudoir Photos of YOU!!!

Scary, Stepping out the comfort zone but can also be completely liberating - I gifted my husband with one in 2013 and it is still his favorite gift to date! Click here to learn more....

Have a happy Valentines everyone!!!

G x

Friday, February 12, 2016



2 Years ago I gifted my husband on Valentines Day with a Sexy "Little Black Book" with photos of myself for him. This is my experience, take a read and maybe this could be a good idea for you!

So one day in early January 2013 My friend and photographer Nishani of Nishani Photography Posted This to Facebook.

It showed up in my newsfeed and I was at a point in life of trying things that scare me and consciously making an effort to step outside of the box. Without really thinking about what it actually was I emailed her almost instantly. She had just done my girl's Christmas photos and I adored her work, I love her as a photographer.... But a Boudoir photo shoot..... WAaaaH.... I had a moment of doubt, then something in me told me to commit. 

The women involved were women I knew and trusted, Nishani and Carla with the Photography, Heather doing Make up and Claudia doing hair, wonderful and supportive women. It was going to be a safe and supportive space and if there was ever a time to do it, now was the time.

It was something for my Husband which I knew he would love. It was also something for me to learn to love and embrace myself the way I am, lumps bumps and all, therefore helping me in myself, in my marriage and as a mother.

I signed up, I was super nervous, I wasn't that long after having my second baby, my body was not looking how I wanted it to look, but I knew I had to embrace my Mommy Body, Love myself and just go for it!
 January 18th came way quicker than I expected. I had booked my friend to babysit the girls, I had bought some sexy lingerie, had my hair done and got my tan on, I had researched Chris' favorite celebrity girls and any boudoir style shoots they may have done, I was as prepared as I could be.

On the train ride in, I was nervous as anything. My stomach was in knots, I felt like I was going to throw up. I actually realized how shy deep down I could be. A complete bundle of nerves all the way to the studio I was shaking as I walked up to the room where I was going to be standing practically naked. All of my negative doubts floated into my head. I'm fat, I look disgusting, what if Chris sees these pictures then actually decides I'm too gross for him? what am I doing? What was I thinking? all these thoughts taking over my mind but something in me kept pushing me to go in and just do it.

I opened the door and was welcomed by these wonderful women. Their energy instantly relaxed me, I asked any questions I had, I shook it off and let the dream team work their magic on me.

Claudia on my Hair and Heather on my make up, whilst Carla selected the perfect play list for me to help relax... this pampering alone and "Me" time, was worth it.

Hair and Make up was done and I felt fabulous, from that point on I did not let one negative thought enter my mind, I put my Sassy on, brought out "Georgia Fierce" and just went for it....

I HAD A BLAST!!!!! Nishani was so professional she made me so comfortable, I thought since she was my friend it might have been a little more difficult but it wasn't at all.

I was all over the place in different poses, I found all the little tricks I used to use when I worked with photographers in the past, I got to change from fun little outfit to fun little outfit. I felt so completely and utterly liberated, I was so empowered. I didn't care that I didn't look like a Victoria Secret model. I felt beautiful and I was super excited to know that this was for the man I loved. I thought about him as I looked down the camera lens, how happy this would make him for many reasons and that lit me up inside. For the first time in a long time, I felt like Me again. Not just a Mummy, Not Just a Wife, but ME, Georgia!

I was getting so comfortable and carried away with it all that towards the end of it I was only covered in his Marine Corps uniform jacket - another hour I could have been butt naked ;)

I finished the session feeling amazing. It was so much fun and definitely something I would tell my friends to try, even if they were taken just for them. It is something that I will cherish forever. Plus in 40 years time when I am old, grey and wrinkly I can look back one day and think "Daymn I was smoking!!!"

This was a fabulous and life changing experience for me and I highly recommend it!

Here are some teasers from my first ever Boudoir Photoshoot.............

Sorry Folks - But the Rest are Reserved.............

Wouldn't be much of a Valentines present if I let everyone see now, would it?! ;)

Oh and By the Way.... Chris LOVED it! He was so impressed with my confidence and loved that it captured me exactly as me! A couple of my friends and family members have had a go since and of course their partners thoroughly appreciate it!

All women have anxieties and insecurities, no matter what size or shape we are. But we are goddesses. When we find the times where we can grasp and hold onto our confidence, be sure of ourselves and shine, Well then we can light up entire rooms!

 I want to take a moment for the woman who like me, had a hard time getting to grips with the new version of themselves post babies.....

Just because we are Mothers who, have on days been covered in our own children's pee and poop, or had days where the bags under our eyes have had our Doctors sending us for Cat Scans and blood work, or weeks where we cant really remember when the last time we shaved our legs was, or even worse, showered! This is nothing! We are STILL SEXY and BEAUTIFUL. WE ARE WOMEN! WE ARE POWERFUL!  Every stretch mark we have on our bodies is a map of our life, it is the story of how powerful our bodies are to carry life, Our breast are worn from feeding our children, entire bodies are changed because we are forever changed and we are beautiful!

Whatever shape or size, whatever we look like, our beauty comes from those moments when we put all of that to the side and let ourselves shine through.

THIS IS A GREAT idea for a Valentines Gift and even better for your own self discovery!!!!

Make sure you keep an eye out for any Local Photographer's specials and just GO FOR IT!!!!

Happy Valentines Day!

<3 G

 If you are interested in working with Nishani Photography and the dream team please follow her on Facebook

Monday, February 8, 2016

Holiday Cards from Friends? Make a Photobook.

I decided that I would start a new, wee family tradition this year, which I kind of love, and it's to do with the Holiday cards that people send each year and what to do with them once the holiday season is over.

It is extremely fashionable these days to make the family photo Holiday cards and I always love receiving everyone's photo  cards that they send each year.  In fact here are a few of mine from over the years....




Obnoxiously Adorable right?

However, once the holidays are over, I never know what to do with them! I cant bear the thought of just tossing them away as I know a lot of thought, time, money and effort goes into them, so over the years I stashed them away in drawers and hoped that one day I'd make a scrap book or something?!?! When in reality they just overstuffed my drawers!

... So this year it came to me. Each year I make a photobook of our Holiday photos that we have taken annually and this year I thought why not add these photo cards in at the back of the book?
I took my 50% off coupon from Shutterfly  (thanks Children's Place) and got to work.

I created my book as normal and then scanned each card into our computer and just placed them in as I would with ordinary photos.... so this year they are included in our Holiday Photo Book!

I am so in love with this idea and it is going to be so awesome, to always be able to look back over the years at all of our family friends too and remember them always.

"Christmas with the Johnsons 2015"

I even added in our own card
to start the "Holiday Card Section" off,
so we can keep track of those, over the years too!

I took it a step further and added the Christmas cards that I received from the girls, they were just too cute not to and this gave me an idea for something else......stay tuned ;)

This is a new family tradition
that I will enjoy and cherish for years to come!

I Hope this inspired you to start this too! Be sure to always look on Groupon for Photobook deals, coupons from Walgreens or Coupons from Shutterfly at Children's Place!

Best Wishes, G x

PS: How cool was Mrs Claus, this was a last minute opportunity with a local photographer where the girls got to meet and greet Mrs Claus over cookies, cocoa and a story book, while the photographer took the most amazing photos! Super Cute right?

Photography Credit:

Nishani Photography

Captured Memories MA

Valentines Presents for School - for Under $20!

After splurging out on Christmas gifts for the teachers at my daughter's school and spending more than I'd care to admit to my husband, last year, when shopping for Valentines gifts for my children's classmates and  teachers yesterday, I made a conscious effort to be budget friendly.

Last year I made Heart shaped Chocolate lollipops which were thrifty, adorable yet took a lot of time. Time is something that I don't have this year due to being a full time student. So I popped into Walmart last night and looked for some quick and easy ideas!

We yet again have a "Snow day" and schools are closed, including mine,  so I turned our Valentines gifts into an arts and craft (kill some snow day time) activity and we had a lot of fun with it.

Best part is, we made over 20 mini gifts and cards for all of their classmates and friends and are able to give each teacher in their school a little something all for UNDER $20! You cant beat that! If I do my usual and cant help myself go overboard, I may add a Dunkin Donut card for their actual teachers.... just because I'm an overachiever like that ;) but still this was still a super thrifty idea.

WALMART was my saving grace last night... Having just moved back  to suburbia from the city...again, I had forgotten about the genius of this place.... However, I must admit I do miss my NY dollar stores where I probably would have found everything for EVEN CHEAPER!!!

I was originally thinking something chocolate for their friends however with the amount of allergies that I know some of their classmates have, I was nervous to go down that path. I then saw boxes of Dum-Dum Lollipops 50 count with Valentine labels included to make your own Bouquets for $2.98 per box. I thought that these would be great, it even said on the box "free of all major allergens". I picked up two boxes and that was the kids sorted.

I originally picked up mugs for each teacher filled with chocolates and coffee but as I picked up 5, then 6, then 7 for their teachers, the "$" amount was wracking up. I thought to myself, Georgia you are totally over-achieving here. It is Valentines day, not a major holiday and it is the sentiment that counts, just a little something will do.

So I put the mugs back on the shelf and found some heart-shaped boxes of chocolates for $1 each. Just a nice little something to say "we appreciate you" on valentines day.

Next was cards, I wasn't really thinking of doing anything for Valentines day this year for them at school, but when the teachers handed out a list of the kids in their classroom with February's newsletter, I thought.... Oh maybe I should!

With time, I would have had the girls make cards from scratch, even just to give them something to do. But again since I didn't have a lot of that, I thought I would just buy a pack of pre-made Valentines Cards, but at $6.98 for a pack of 6.... I couldn't validate the splurge to myself.

So I found (on sale)  12 count packs of blank cards for $2 each (envelopes included) and I picked up a pack of  2 sheets of glittery, pink scrapbook paper for $0.97 and decided we would (half) make our own.

Like I said I wanted to give the girls something to do for the day so I fully involved them in putting everything together.

First we made up the Dum Dum Bouquets. We made a list of all of their friends and Savannah (5) even started to write the labels herself and I dived the pops up into 3 per child, while Sienna (2) made herself busy by picking up the dum dums and constantly asking me when she could have a "pop pop"

* TIP: The Bouquets were not holding with just the label itself so I used tiny, clear hair elastics to hold each bouquet together before sticking each label on and that solved the problem.

Next was working on the cards, we had to turn these blank cards into something Valentines-y
So we started on the envelopes. Last year I made Valentines wrapping paper with Potato Print Hearts so thought this would be fun for the girls to do and they could decorate the envelopes.

I took a potato and my "Pampered chef heart-shaped fruit and cheese cutter" and made two heart shaped printers. I gave each of the girls a paper plate with a dollop of red paint on it and just let them go to town with their potato stamps.

*Tip: I used the shape cutter for the potato print, but last year I simply just cut a heart shape out myself with a knife and it worked just as well.

While the envelopes dried, we worked on the cards. We made a template, drew and cut out 24 hearts out of the pink glittery paper and then glued a heart onto each card, The gluing was Sienna's favourite part.

And Ta-Da we turned our blank assorted cards into
Insta-Valentines cards.

Cute, Right?!

The girls, with my help, wrote them out to each of their friends and teachers, added some pictures and popped them into their beautiful heart, printed envelopes!

We were all chuffed with the adorable outcome!

Although Sienna still wanted that Lollipop!

Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
This was so cheap,
And you could do it easily too!

Have a Happy Valentines Day Everyone!

<3 G x