Monday, February 22, 2016

8 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself (while you are taking care of everyone else.)

 Whether a busy working parent, or an equally as busy parent who stays at home,  it is very easy to forget ourselves on a daily basis. We dedicate our entire lives to running our family, keeping our children alive, paying bills, keeping a roof over our heads and all sorts of other fun parental responsibilities as imperfectly, perfectly  as we can.  While we do such a great job (or as good as we can do) of taking care of all of those around us, we tend to not take care of ourselves. We will very easily  work ourselves to the point of stress and exhaustion and completely neglect our own needs.
It is essential for us to be aware of our limits and take care of ourselves when we can, I know, this is way easier said than done, but the truth is your family depends on your own mental and physical balance to be intact so you do NEED to take care of you.

I called in my friend and Health Coach Brianna Hatcher to give us '8 ways to take Care of Yourself (While you are taking care of everyone else)' and I couldn't be more excited,  by trying her ideas you  are taking a great leap into a better and balanced life.

Every small step counts, even if you pick up just one or two of these pointers you will at least be doing something for you, and that is more important than anything.

These are great tips and I hope you can find this helps you on the way to a happier and balanced life, because even though you are parent, you are still allowed to have that!

8 Ways To Take Care Of Yourself
(while you are taking care of everyone else.)

Brianna Hatcher - Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

1: Remember, you matter.

    Ok, so this isn't a “tip” as much as a reminder. In case you need someone to remind you, you matter. How you feel matters, what you think matters, how much you sleep matters, what you eat matters. Sweet person, YOU matter. Period.

2: Take 5

    Set your alarm 5 minutes earlier. Wait, I know what you're thinking, hear me out. Giving yourself 5 extra minutes in the morning to stretch, Pray, meditate, do yoga, whatever works for you. This really sets the tone for your day. It's waking up and taking charge of your day, instead of waking up and having the day happen to you. Doing the same at night before bed will also give you a nice slow down before putting your head on the pillow, if you don't fall asleep in the meantime

3: Pack Snacks

    How many times have you ended up digging at the bottom of your bag for a leftover snack from the kids? If you're anything like me, too many. Pack yourself a real, grown up snack. The nice kind of snack cheese, trail mix with dried cherries and dark chocolate, or whatever suits your fancy. You getting real food, that is intended for you, is not a treat but a necessity. Because it, you know, keeps you alive.

4: Drink Up! Water that is. (I'll leave the other beverage choices up to you) Drinking enough water is going to do so many things for you, it will increase your energy, improve your skin, help with digestion, cut back on cravings, along with countless other benefits. An easy way to know how much water you should aim for is by taking your weight in pounds, cut that in half, and that is how many ounces of water you can try to work into your day. Get yourself a pretty water bottle and go for it! I promise you won't have to pee every 5 minutes forever, that goes away.

5: Get Dressed

    I know this is a tough one. We are so busy making sure everyone else is up, dressed, brushed, fed, and out the door that we hardly ever get a chance to do what we need to do to get ready. But the simple act of getting dressed can completely change how someone feels. I'm not saying don't wear your yoga pants out, I'm saying wear them out IF you feel good in them. There is nothing that makes me feel better then to walk by a mirror and feel put together, on the flip side, if I walked past a mirror and feel like I look disheveled, it isn't going to help my emotional state at all. This isn't about what other people see, or what other people think when they see you, it is about how you feel about yourself when you happen to walk by a mirror in a store.

6: Get Yourself Something

    Think about your shopping list, is there anything on there that is just for you? Odds are there is something you purchase just because your husband or wife likes it, or just because your kids like it, but do you get something just because you like it? Make this a habit, when you are shopping make sure you pick something out that is just for you, I don't care if it is a bottle of wine (cough, my favorite, cough!) or a pack of gum. This is a form of self-care by acknowledging what you want, and then giving it to yourself. 

7: Ask For Help

   Listen to this part very carefully, asking for help does not make you less of a Super-Mom/Dad. We all have our limits and there is no shame in admitting when we reach them, better yet, ask for help before you reach your limit. Teach your kids how to do the laundry, tell your husband/wife they are in charge of dinner, ask a friend to watch the kids so you can take a shower in peace, do whatever you need to do so you don't get overwhelmed. We used to have a village around us to help with these things, now we have to make our own. Parenthood is hard, and isn't meant to be done alone.

8: Exercise

   For those of you still reading after you saw “exercise”, I'll go on. This really will make your life easier in the long run. You're going to have more energy, feel happier, feel better in your skin, sleep better, the list goes on and on and on. Even if you just spend 20minutes walking with the stroller, or go to the park and chase the kids around, the more movement the better. Not only is it amazing for you, but you are setting such a wonderful example for your family. The endorphins released during exercise are no joke, they really make a messy kitchen a lot easier to deal with.

BONUS: Homemade face mask recipe

Here is my very favorite way to pamper myself at home. This recipe is great for most skin types and will help smooth, brighten, and hydrate your skin. As always, please make sure you are not allergic to any of these ingredients before using.



¼  Teaspoon Turmeric

1   Heaping Tablespoon Honey

1   Heaping Tablespoon Plain Yogurt


Simply mix until smooth and apply to skin with an old, clean, makeup brush. You can use your fingers but fair warning it can be a little messy. Leave on skin 10-15 minutes and rinse with slightly warm to cool water. Pat dry and enjoy your smooth skin.

This may leave a slight yellow tint to your skin, so use at night or when you aren't leaving the house. You can use a very gentle cleanser following the mask if need be. If you really aren't wanting to rock turmeric tinted skin, feel free to leave it out completely, there are plenty of benefits from the honey and yogurt alone. Enjoy!

Brianna Hatcher, Integrative Nutrition Health Coach

Brianna is An Integrative Nutrition Health Coach she is a guide and mentor who empowers her clients and provides ongoing support and guidance as they set goals and make sustainable changes that improve their health and happiness.

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