Monday, February 8, 2016

Holiday Cards from Friends? Make a Photobook.

I decided that I would start a new, wee family tradition this year, which I kind of love, and it's to do with the Holiday cards that people send each year and what to do with them once the holiday season is over.

It is extremely fashionable these days to make the family photo Holiday cards and I always love receiving everyone's photo  cards that they send each year.  In fact here are a few of mine from over the years....




Obnoxiously Adorable right?

However, once the holidays are over, I never know what to do with them! I cant bear the thought of just tossing them away as I know a lot of thought, time, money and effort goes into them, so over the years I stashed them away in drawers and hoped that one day I'd make a scrap book or something?!?! When in reality they just overstuffed my drawers!

... So this year it came to me. Each year I make a photobook of our Holiday photos that we have taken annually and this year I thought why not add these photo cards in at the back of the book?
I took my 50% off coupon from Shutterfly  (thanks Children's Place) and got to work.

I created my book as normal and then scanned each card into our computer and just placed them in as I would with ordinary photos.... so this year they are included in our Holiday Photo Book!

I am so in love with this idea and it is going to be so awesome, to always be able to look back over the years at all of our family friends too and remember them always.

"Christmas with the Johnsons 2015"

I even added in our own card
to start the "Holiday Card Section" off,
so we can keep track of those, over the years too!

I took it a step further and added the Christmas cards that I received from the girls, they were just too cute not to and this gave me an idea for something else......stay tuned ;)

This is a new family tradition
that I will enjoy and cherish for years to come!

I Hope this inspired you to start this too! Be sure to always look on Groupon for Photobook deals, coupons from Walgreens or Coupons from Shutterfly at Children's Place!

Best Wishes, G x

PS: How cool was Mrs Claus, this was a last minute opportunity with a local photographer where the girls got to meet and greet Mrs Claus over cookies, cocoa and a story book, while the photographer took the most amazing photos! Super Cute right?

Photography Credit:

Nishani Photography

Captured Memories MA

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